How do you get out of your comfort zone and experience challenges?

Bruno Aparecido
3 min readMay 27, 2022

Not everyone has a disposition for challenging activities such as parachute jumping or backpacking, but also not everyone finds it easy to change jobs, start a new course, or live alone.

Lately I’ve been allowing myself to step out of some comfort zones and I’ve noticed a few types of mindset that have helped me with this and I’d like to share them with you.

Foto de nappy:

1. Balance opinions

I don’t know about you, but almost always before I do something I ask what some people think (whether they have lived the experience or not).

Exchanging information while planning and consulting other experiences is not a bad thing. But how and how much we take in that opinion is what makes the difference.

We must always understand that “a point of view is a point of view” and even if you are going to live a similar experience as someone else, you are different people and the times are different.

The right thing to do is just to keep in mind the challenges to measure whether you think you can handle it or not. I repeat: TO MEASURE.
Not to paralyze yourself in the face of them.

2. Open yourself to polarities

Good and Bad. Positive and Negative. Exciting or Disgusting.
Polarities are everywhere, and their emergence will depend a lot on each experience and reality.

To be open to polarities is to always try to maintain the awareness that we have no control over everything around us. For methodical and controlling people this is very difficult, but a necessary mindset.

3. Avoid judgments

One of the worst things is to go to a place believing that you already know how things will be.

We tend to pre-judge situations, places, people, experiences (even if we are interested in them we make pre-judgments). The big tip is to avoid, or rather, not to listen to the paranoia that our mind creates.

4. Recognize yourself in this place

An interesting mindset to approach is that you are already in this experience, or open to it.

Understanding experiences as the HERE AND NOW of life is very important. Living something stuck in what you did or how it was before, or not waiting for the time to end
We can use the time “ACCEPTANCE” here.

5. Make a decision

Only you can make it happen. You have gone through the doubts, you have asked everyone, you have done a lot of research.
Now it’s time to decide. Without making others responsible for your choice. Understanding that there are pros and cons, that there will be challenges, and that life is like that.

A free and mature decision, this is the goal.

6. Learn from the experiences

And finally, let yourself learn. At any stage of an experience. Seeing things as learning rather than as a rule is easier. Understand that conversations, research, fears, your own judgments… EVERYTHING!

At every moment we can reflect and learn from it, and this is what will make us mature when we filter the situations.
So, how about starting to take steps to live new and challenging experiences?

What did you think about this text? Be sure to comment and share it helps me improve my writing and believe in my work, I’m also trying to live challenging experiences!😅



Bruno Aparecido

Com a terapia em dia e o coração em Deus. 🪪 25 anos • SP • Vila Ede-ZN 💁🏽‍♂️ Comunicador | Estratégia e Mkt Digital